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Version: 0.14

Common Errors

Each RPC request can be successful or unsuccessful. In the first case the response frame contains a result object while in the second case it contains an error object as stated in the RPC Protocol page. Each error object has:

  • code: number, code identifying the type of the error
  • message: string, description of the error

Here are listed all common errors that can be returned as a response to a request send to a Shelly device.


This error is received when the parameters sent in the request do not match the ones specified by the method in the request. It has code -103.


Request invoking the method Switch.GetStatus with no parameters:
curl -X POST -d '{"id":1, "method":"Switch.GetStatus"}' \
Response containing error -103: INVALID ARGUMENT:
"id": 1,
"src": "shellypro4pm-f008d1d8b8b8",
"dst": "user_1",
"error": {
"code": -103,
"message": "Missing required 'id'"


This error is received when a request has timed out. It usually is related to requests for fetching external resources by calling HTTP.GET or HTTP.POST in scripts. It has code -104

{ url: "", timeout: 2 },
function (response, error_code, error_message) {
print(error_code, " ", error_message);

-104 http request timed out

## -105: NOT FOUND

This error is received when an instance specified in the request is not found. It has code **-105**.

> *Example:*
```bash title="Request invoking the method Input.GetConfig with invalid parameter id=7:"
curl -X POST -d '{"id":1, "method":"Input.GetConfig", "params":{"id":7}}' \
Response containing error -105: NOT FOUND:
"id": 1,
"src": "shellypro4pm-f008d1d8b8b8",
"dst": "user_1",
"error": {
"code": -105,
"message": "Bad id=7"


This error is received when a required resource has reached its limit. For example, when you try to create 21 schedule jobs on one Shelly device (the limit is 20). This error has code -108.


Response containing error -108: RESOURCE EXHAUSTED:
"id": 1,
"src": "shellypro4pm-f008d1d8b8b8",
"dst": "user_1",
"error": {
"code": -108,
"message": "Job limit reached"


This error is received when a precondition for a requested action is not satisfied. For example, when you try to turn a switch on in a situation of overpower condition, or when a reboot has been scheduled and the device is shutting down. This error has code -109.


Response containing error -109: FAILED PRECONDITION:
"id": 1,
"src": "shellypro4pm-f008d1d8b8b8",
"dst": "user_1",
"error": {
"code": -109,
"message": "Overtemp condition present"


This error is received when a service is unavailable. The service can be internal - a sensor could be unreachable, or external. External services are - timezone information, firmware update or HTTP requests in Scripts.

{ url: "", timeout: 15 },
function (response, error_code, error_message) {
print(error_code, " ", error_message);

-114 HTTP connect error -1