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Established WS connection - basic package types & structure.


Open web sockets connection and authenticate with the JWT to address


The integrator learns the hosts it need to connect via User consent/Permissions Grant process from the host parameter provided to Integrator callback url.

The <JWT> token is obtained as explained at Getting Started


Events that Shelly cloud sends.


Device state change.

event: "Shelly:StatusOnChange", // EVENT_NAME
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID


Device settings change. Sent when a setting is changed in the device.

event: "Shelly:Settings", // EVENT_NAME
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID


Sent when device changes online state.

event: "Shelly:Online", // EVENT_NAME
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID
online: number // DEVICE_ONLINE_STATUS - 1 for online, 0 for offline


Request for Relay & Light

event: "Shelly:CommandRequest", // EVENT_NAME
trid: number // TRANSACTION_ID
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID
data: {
cmd: string, // COMMAND_NAME "relay" | "light"
params: {
id: number, // DEVICE_CHANNEL
turn: string // COMMAND_ACTION "on" | "off" | "toggle"

Request for Roller

event: "Shelly:CommandRequest", // EVENT_NAME
trid: number // TRANSACTION_ID
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID
data: {
cmd: string, // COMMAND_NAME "roller"
params: {
id: number, // DEVICE_CHANNEL
go: string // COMMAND_ACTION "stop" | "open" | "close"

Request for Roller to Position

This command only works if device is calibrated.

event: "Shelly:CommandRequest", // EVENT_NAME
trid: number // TRANSACTION_ID
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID
data: {
cmd: string, // COMMAND_NAME "roller_to_pos"
params: {
id: number, // DEVICE_CHANNEL
pos: number // POSITION_IN_PERCENT
slat_pos:number, // SLAT_POSITION
slat_rel:number // RELATIVE_SLAT_POSITION
  • id identifies the roller/cover channel to change, starts from 0. It must be present even for single channel devices.
  • pos is the position expressed in percent in range 0 to 100.
  • rel is relative move in %, allowed range [-100..100]. pos and rel can't be provided simultaneously.
  • slat_pos same as pos but for slats position (if supported by the device).
  • slat_rel same as rel but for slats position (if supported by the device) slat_pos and slat_rel can't be provided simultaneously.

Check the device documentation for more information.

Command Response

event: "Shelly:CommandResponse", // EVENT_NAME
trid: number, // TRANSACTION_ID
deviceId: string, // DEVICE_ID
user: number, // USER_ID device owner
data: {
isok: boolean; // SUCCESS_FLAG
res?: string; // MESSAGE optional


Result constants - data.result

  • OK - All is good.
  • UNAUTHORIZED - Device access in not authorized.
  • WRONG_API_PARAMETERS - Malformed request.
  • WRONG_HOST - Request was made on a wrong host.

Error response WRONG_HOST has an extra parameter host, indicating the actual location of the device. This does not guarantee that the device is currently online there.

event: "Integrator:ActionResponse", // event name
trid: number, // transaction id
user: string, // integrator tag
data: {
result: "WRONG_HOST",
deviceId: string,
host: string

Device Verify

Verify that the device has a valid integration.

event: "Integrator:ActionRequest", // event name
trid: number, // transaction id
data: {
action: "DeviceVerify", // action "DeviceVerify"
deviceId: string, // device id,
event: "Integrator:ActionResponse", // event name
trid: number, // transaction id
user: string, // integrator tag
data: {
result: string, // result constant
deviceId?: string, // optional (if provided in request)
deviceType?: string, // optional (if result is "OK" and device is online)
deviceCode?: string, // optional (if result is "OK" and device is online)
deviceStatus?: {}, // optional (if result is "OK" and device is online)
accessGroups?: string // optional (if result is "OK")

Keys deviceType, deviceCode and deviceStatus are only available if the device in online in the cloud!


Access given to the integrator for the specific device by the user. Consists of a HEX string value, represented by a single byte, giving us 8 possible groups for access represented by each bit of the byte. Currently there is only one - control that is indicated by the first bit turned ON.

So an accessGroups of 00 means only state changes are sent and no control is present, we refer to this as read-only. Then accessGroups of 01 means group "control" is also activated..

  • 00 (hex) -> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (binary) read-only
  • 01 (hex) -> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (binary) active control-group

Device Get Settings

Retrieve device settings, only if the device in online in the cloud.

event: "Integrator:ActionRequest", // event name
trid: number, // transaction id
data: {
action: "DeviceGetSettings", // action "DeviceVerify"
deviceId: string, // device id,
event: "Integrator:ActionResponse", // event name
trid: number, // transaction id
user: string, // integrator tag
data: {
result: string, // result constant
deviceId?: string, // optional (if provided in request)
deviceType?: string, // optional (if device is online)
deviceCode?: string, // optional (if device is online)
deviceSettings?: {}, // optional (if device is online)