Shelly BLU Button
Short device name: SBBT-002C
Functional description
The device transmits BLE advertising packets when button is pressed (1 or more times).
Device specific features
Beacon mode
If active, the device will periodically send single advertising packets. This can be used for presence detection, and for connecting to the device. Connection is only possible from a paired devices, or if pairing mode is active.
Characteristic | UUID | Type | Length | Properties | Function |
Beacon mode enabled | cb9e957e-952d-4761-a7e1-4416494a5bfa | byte | 1 | Read, Write bonded, write without response bonded | Enables periodic broadcast (Required for button buzzer) |
Activate Buzzer
It is possible to activate the buzzer remotely (find my device function) from a paired device in the radio range. The Beacon mode must be enabled for this function to work. The buzzer will stop by itself after 30 seconds.
Characteristic | UUID | Type | Length | Properties | Function |
Activate Buzzer | 5b026510-4088-c297-46d8-be6c736a087b | byte | 1 | Read, Write bonded, write without response bonded | Write 0x01 to start, 0x00 to stop |
Buzzer enable/disable
Characteristic | UUID | Type | Length | Properties | Function |
Buzzer enabled | dd78bf35-7680-484e-ad86-1bc1e7738e14 | byte | 1 | Read, Write bonded, write without response bonded | Write 0 to disable buzzer |
Multiclick speed (0-5)
The accepted delay between clicks (in order to be recognized as multiclicks) can be adjusted by writting to the characteristic below.
Characteristic | UUID | Type | Length | Properties | Function |
Multiclick speed | 35c8a5e2-1cac-4b03-8386-eb6846a1776e | byte | 1 | Read, Write bonded, write without response bonded | (0-5) [800, 550, 300, 150, 90, 55] miliseconds delay |
BTHome sensor data objects
id | name | data type | scale factor | description |
0x00 | packet id | uint8 | 1 | revolving counter |
0x01 | battery | uint8 | 1 | battery level in percent (0-100) |
0x3A | button | uint16 | 1 | button press event |
id | name | example |
0x00 | None | 0x3A00 |
0x01 | press | 0x3A01 |
0x02 | double_press | 0x3A02 |
0x03 | triple_press | 0x3A03 |
0x04 | long_press | 0x3A04 |
0x80 | button hold | 0x3AFE |
0xFE* | button hold | 0x3AFE |
- for firmware prior to 1.0.20