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Version: 1.0

KNX Input

KNX Input configuration and functioanlity are applicable to Shelly Input components.






Selected input compoennent mode of operation. One of sw_toggle, btn_dual_dim, btn_single_dim, btn_normal, btn_extended.



Properties of the sw_toggle mode of opertaion. Applicable to Shelly input component type switch.



array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to report change of state. Same addresses may be used by KNX to query switch state via GroupValueRead requests.



Properties of the btn_dual_dim mode of opertaion. Applicable to Shelly input component type button. Used to configure sending relative dimming commands with dediciated button for each direction.



array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to send light on/off command (on for up direction and off for down). Command is sent on short push.


array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to send relative dimming command (direction + step). Start command is sent on long push button down and stop command is sent on long push button up.



Configured for the button direction. One of down, up.



Dimming step (1..7), interpreted as (2^(step - 1)) intervals. (0 is sent for stop command).



Properties of the btn_single_dim mode of opertaion. Applicable to Shelly input component type button. Used to configure sending relative dimming commands with single button for both directions, alternating on each long push.



array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to send light on/off command (corresponding actuator state is queried from KNX and is flipped when sending). Command is sent on short push.


array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to send relative dimming command (direction + step). Start command is sent on long push button down and stop command is sent on long push button up.



KNX group address to receive and query corresponding actuator state from KNX. If not specified defaults to the first address of fb_state.



Dimming step (1..7), interpreted as (2^(step - 1)) intervals. (0 is sent for stop command).



Properties of the btn_normal mode of opertaion. Applicable to Shelly input component type button. Used to configure basic button operation.




Configured for the button command to send. One of on, off, toggle.


array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to send on/off command (corresponding actuator state is queried from KNX and is flipped when sending for toggle or on or off are unconditionally sent). Command is sent on short push.



KNX group address to receive and query corresponding actuator state from KNX. Relevant only for toggle command. If not specified defaults to the first address of fb_state.



Properties of the btn_extended mode of opertaion. Applicable to Shelly input component type button. Used to configure advanced button operation and specifying actions for each type of button event. Possible types are single_push, double_push, triple_push and long_push with identical configurations and separate entry in the config for each.




KNX group address to receive and query corresponding actuator state from KNX. Relevant only for toggle command if present in any of the extended mode configurations. If not specified toggle commands will not work.



Identical entries exist for each event type.



array of strings

List of KNX group addresses to send the configured value on corresponding event.



Configured for the button event value type. One of none, command, percent, ratio, scene_set, scene_recall.



Configured for type command command to send. One of on, off, toggle.



Configured for type percent one byte value to send (0..100), scaled to (0..255) when sending.



Configured for type ratio raw one byte value (0..255).



Configured scene number (0..63). Learn command is sent with scene_set and activate command is sent with scene_recall.


Input button extended mode of operation is experimental and may change. Its configuration is available only through RPC and not in the web interface.


  • Switch (sw_toggle)

    • On input switch state change corresponding state is sent to kNX on fb_status addresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
    • fb_status adresses can be queried from KNX via GroupValueRead for current state.
  • Dual button dimming (btn_dual_dim)

    • For direction down:
      • On short press: Send off command to KNX on fb_state adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
      • On long press (start): Send start dimming down with the specified step to KNX on fb_dim adresses via GroupValueWrite requests..
      • On long press (release): Send stop dimming to KNX on fb_dim adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
    • For direction up:
      • On short press: Send on comamnd to KNX on fb_state adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
      • On long press (start): Send start dimming up with the specified step to KNX on fb_dim adresses via GroupValueWrite requests..
      • On long press (release): Send stop dimming to KNX on fb_dim adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
  • Single button dimming (btn_single_dim)

    • Listen on cmd_state address for updates of the current state of corresponding actuators from KNX. More than one can report their state on this address and the resulting state is a logical OR on all states. State request via GroupValueRead is sent to KNX when this mode is activated.
    • Keeps internally dimming direction, defaulting to up.
    • On short press: Flip saved reported state and send it to KNX on fb_state adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
    • On long press(start): Send start dimming in the saved direction and specified step to KNX on fb_dim adresses via GroupValueWrite requests. If reported state is off always send start dimming up.
    • On long press (release): Send stop dimming to KNX on fb_dim adresses via GroupValueWrite requests and flip saved direction.
  • Button (btn_normal)

    • Listen on cmd_state adresses for updates of the current state of corresponding actuators from KNX. More than one can report their state on this address and the resulting state is a logical OR on all states. State request via GroupValueRead is sent when this mode is activated. This is in effect only for command toggle.
    • For command toggle
      • On short press: Flip the saved reported state and send it to KNX on fb_state adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
    • For command on:
      • On short press: Send unconditionally on command to KNX on fb_state adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
    • For command off:
      • On short press: Send unconditionally off command to KNX on fb_state adresses via GroupValueWrite requests.
  • Button extended (btn_extended)

    • Listen on cmd_state adresses for updates of the current state of corresponding actuators from KNX. More than one can report their state on this address and the resulting state is a logical OR on all states. State request via GroupValueRead is sent when this mode is activated. This is in effect only if command toggle is specified in any of the button event configurations.
    • For each button event configured type of action will be performed.
      • none: Ignore event.
      • command: Send configured command to KNX on fb adresses for the event via GroupValueWrite requests as described in btn_normal mode.
      • percent: Send to KNX on fb adresses for the event via GroupValueWrite requests the configured percent value.
      • ratio: Send to KNX on fb adresses for the event via GroupValueWrite requests the configured ratio value.
      • scene_set and scene_recall: Send to KNX on fb for the event via GroupValueWrite requests scene control command as described in DPT_SceneControl(18.001), using configured scene number.