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Version: 1.0


All notable changes to Shelly Gen2+ API Docs will be reflected here.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



1.3.3 is a mandatory update before 1.4.0. Devices running versions older than 1.3.3 will not be served 1.4.0.

Available as 1.4.0-beta3


  • OTA: fix regression in app compatibility check when receiving new update
  • Sensor Addon fix failing initialization of analog input peripheral

Available as 1.4.0-beta2


  • Scripting Fix eJS string literals in switch statements
  • BLE Update bt-common to fix a UAF in scan results processing

Local web



  • Pro devices: option to control outputs from user button

Available as 1.4.0-beta1




  • Update IDF to 5.2.1
  • Convert ca.pem to binary; ship full CA bundle on Gen3 devices
  • Update mbedtls to 3.5.2
  • Repartition all 4M devices to reallocate 64K from FS to app
  • Fix PT location for Gen3 devices
  • Shelly.ListTimezones Paginate response BREAKING CHANGE
  • RGB, RGBW Replace HTTP endpoint /light/{id} with /color/{id} BREAKING CHANGE
  • Light, RGB, RGBW Apply night mode regardless of current brightness
  • Light, RGB, RGBW Do not apply min_brightness_on_toggle when night mode is active
  • XMOD1 Change default LED type to plain

Local web



  • Schedule editor crash when invalid body is saved via RPC
  • Invalid status for the second WiFi when only the first one is configured
  • Cover slider not reactive sometimes
  • BTHome information initial fetch
  • Section contents do not update when changing component type in URL
  • Input field deleting decimals
  • Cover obstacle detection can not be configured
  • Cover auto-recovery can not be configured
  • RPC over UDP can not be configured
  • ProEM actions can not be created
  • Display detached inputs for Light
  • Creating option for VirtualComponents::Enum is not possible sometimes
  • BTHome filter only supported webhooks
  • PlugS, PlugUK LED indicator settings can not be configured


  • Unify behavior on setting page save
  • Unify split button
  • Rework status bar
  • Trigger auto detect location via button
  • Load timezones list on setting page open
  • AP and Range extender configuration page rework
  • Rework script editor page
  • Improve PlusRGBW PM color picker

[1.3.3] 2024-06-25


  • Analog Input Fix wrong values after reboot
  • shelly_cloud.pem: Add roots for popular cloud service providers
  • mbedtls: Fix stack overflow caused by ECP optimization
  • Dimmer 0/1-10V PM Fix sensor add-on with DHT22

[1.3.2] 2024-05-22


  • LWIP: fix support of MDNS queries (resolving .local names)


  • OTA: bootloader descriptor for detecting BL versions

[1.3.1] 2024-04-30



[1.3.0] 2024-04-25


  • Pro3EM Incorrect power factor calculation
  • PlusWallDimmer WiFi LED turns on/off unexpectedly
  • Pro4PM Eliminate use of stale/uninitialized timer IDs
  • ProDimmer1PM Fix dimming at range limit; fix calibration crash
  • Pro1PM, Pro2PM, Pro4PM, ProDualCoverPM, Plus2PM Zero-cross synchronizer crash on device init
  • Scripting Fix ejs ExecFile monitor
  • Scripting Add 500ms delay before starting scripts on boot
  • Scripting Fix ejs_event varleak
  • Scripting Long print() output is printed halfway
  • Scripting ejs_http: return 429 (Too Many Requests) when there are too many requests in flight
  • Scripting Fix BLE scanner crash
  • Scripting Fix ejs_set_tzoffset() and ejs validation checks
  • Light Fix transition notifications
  • Light HTTP compatibility does not perform toggle
  • MQTT Handle stale DNS resolution callback
  • WiFi Suppress disconnected/connecting flapping notifications
  • LFS: lfs_superblock_t is not always located at a constant offset
  • LFS: Add an assertion that block 0 and 1 are never allocated during normal operation
  • LFS: Fix superblock expansion
  • DNS-DS: Fix deadlock between main and tcpip tasks
  • HTTP: Fix SendWebSocketFrame recursion
  • RPC: Reject request in case of authz error
  • Fix base64 decode buffer overflow when decoding a padded output
  • Geolocation is not saved correctly
  • System LED: missing response to WiFi disconnects
  • HTTP POST: send 400 in response to bad requests



  • WiFi Use 20MHz-wide channels for AP mode
  • Restore timezone aliases (previously removed in 1.0.0)
  • Optimize shos event dispatch to improve the performance of event delivery
  • Refactor LwIP
  • Modbus Replace esp-modbus with nanoMODBUS
  • EM, EM1, PM1, Switch Throttle status change notifications when cloud is enabled
  • Virtual Components Reduce rate limit capacity to 30

Local web



  • ProDualCoverPM Fix duplicated first channel
  • PlusSmoke The smoke alarm cannot be muted with web button
  • ProDimmer1PM Unreasonable amount of calibrate buttons
  • PM Mini Gen3 TypeError when creating webhook
  • PlugS, PlugUK Night mode can not be activated
  • BLU Gateway Menu for actions & schedule is visible
  • Webhook Fix undefined bug when loading supported webhook types
  • Ethernet Fix gw input settings
  • MQTT Checkbox for enable MQTT control is missing
  • Schedule Wrong minutes schedule in Firefox
  • Scripting Script editor crashes when too many brackets are opened
  • Scripting Fix inserting second snippet
  • Inconsistent warning text for actions not matching input mode
  • Power protections: updated number precision and descriptions; fixed some missing inputs
  • Visual updates and fixed reactivity of some inputs
  • Download diagnostics button blind spot
  • Local web doesn't load on ios 16 or older
  • Auto off/on timers can not be disabled


[1.2.3] 2024-02-28


[1.2.2] 2024-02-23


[1.2.1] 2024-02-22


  • Troublesome Wi-Fi reconnects

[1.2.0] 2024-02-13


  • Plus1 Mini, Plus1PM Mini, 1 Mini, 1PM Mini Persist output state on soft reboot
  • aenergy, ret_aenergy and counts accumulators: minute_ts value is incorrect
  • Crash when core dumps are disabled but logs are enabled
  • DNS-SD reconfiguration fails to remove services
  • ProDimmer1PM Status LED doesn't blink when user button is held down for 5+ seconds
  • PM1 power_update event notifications are not emitted
  • LFS doesn't perform write-leveling when 50+% full
  • Input Rework calculation of counts.xby_minute values
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Optimize scan event queue
  • Virtual Components Webhooks associated with virtual components are not deleted when component is removed
  • MQTT Incorrect PUBLISH packet ID parsing
  • Dynamic components storage: adjust line size calculation when updating record
  • Incomplete core dumps written to flash


  • Sys component_added and component_removed event notifications
  • EMData, EM1Data ResetCounters RPC methods


  • EM, EM1 Initialize component with error if power meter chip failed to start
  • VirtualComponents::Boolean Drop webhook types boolean.true and boolean.false in favor of boolean.change
  • VirtualComponents Add meta object in config (note: former ui object is nested into meta.ui)
  • Schedule Round sunrise and sunset event times to whole minute
  • Improved OTA mechanism: move commit state to OTA data and revert handling to bootloader


Local web


  • WiFi connected status is not reactive
  • Crash when schedule is created via script/rpc
  • Missing webhook action for Analog inputs
  • Remove unsupported settings from Pro addon
  • Analog values are not reactive
  • Schedules and actions no longer ask for active component when active component is only one
  • Power protections messages
  • PlugS and PlugUK night mode
  • Missing button for virtual boolean toggle view
  • Show password visiblity toggle
  • Webhook editor type error for EM1


  • Enable/disable Plus Addon
  • Enable auto update firmware


  • Improve modal dialog
  • Improve message on profile change
  • Sensors and Plus Addon UI rework
  • Improve script errors
  • Input range map calibration rework
  • Improve color wheel
  • Component overview pages rework
  • Use the same style for pages without items
  • Tweaks to the webhook and schedules creation page
  • Message for not supported schedules jobs via the embedded editor

[1.1.1] 2024-01-05


  • PlusHT Fix regression in humidity offset for production batch 2220-Broadwell

[1.1.0] 2023-12-19



  • Pro3EM Erroneous power factor and frequency reports when load is disconnected
  • ProEM total_act_ret_energy is not recorded
  • Cover Restore current position in case device crashes
  • Cover Reduce power meters load to improve stability; autorecover unresponsive power meters
  • Cover Fix calibration procedure for motors with adjustable travel modes (fast/slow)
  • Pro1PM, Pro2PM, Pro4PM, ProDualCoverPM, Plus2PM Zero-cross synchronizer crashes on boot
  • Light Do not apply min_brightness_on_toggle when Light.Set is invoked with transition_duration argument
  • Light Fix night mode activation
  • Light Initial state restore_last is not applied
  • Input Fix validation of Input.SetConfig type argument
  • MQTT ssl_ca property is not present in MQTT.GetConfig response
  • DNS-SD: Fix interface matching when v4 or v6 is disabled
  • Fix AP & BLE reset from user button
  • HTTP Crash when there is no data following parsed header


  • Scripting MQTT support MQTT.subscribe(): throw exception instead of aborting script if invocation fails; MQTT.publish(): change return type to boolean

Local web


  • Support returned energy accumulators
  • Support consumed/returned energy accumulators reset


  • Addons are missing on Plus series
  • HTTP request doesn't work properly
  • Drop duplicated settings for PlusHT
  • Optimize countdown timers visualization
  • Optimize schedules editing
  • Delete action icons are misaligned
  • Actions and schedules can be accidentally deleted
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Gateway Missing scripts and range extender

[1.0.8] 2023-11-06


  • Webhook Fix handling of HTTP compatibility loopback calls

Local web


  • Idle settings page on Pro2PM in cover profile
  • Tooltip on devices displays ethernet disabled when ethernet is enabled

[1.0.7] 2023-10-31


  • Reworked mDNS responder
  • Improve bootloader update




  • BLE MAC in BLE MFD is in the wrong endianness
  • MQTT Fix parsing of fragmented messages
  • Switch MQTT status_update command toggles switch state
  • Plus1PM Mini, PlusPM Mini Improved resilience of BL0942 power meter driver
  • Scripting Phantom script contents when invoking Script.Delete / Script.Create
  • Scripting Optimize function parsing and garbage collection
  • Cover Improved calibration procedure
  • PlusHT Fix applying offset of temperature and rh
  • Light brightness argument in Light.Set is parsed incorrectly
  • Light Fix behavior of min_brightness_on_toggle
  • Light Invoking Light.Set with transition_duration sets brightness to 0%
  • Light Button presets don't work in dual_dim mode
  • Light HTTP endpoint /light/id does not perform toggle
  • Input Fix input reading on boot
  • HTTP Relax parsing HTTP response lines
  • WiFi Randomize AP channel
  • Webhook Optimize handling of loopback calls
  • Fixed UAF in timers
  • Fix error message when RPC rejects due to lockout
  • Prevent re-scheduling of HW timers while process is pending
  • Track min queue free for the main queue

Local web


  • Bluetooth settings for PlusHT throws an error on open
  • The firmware table does not scale correctly on mobile phones
  • The color scheme for PlusPlugS and PlusPlugUK does not update the color
  • Input settings for the Plus Addon for Plus2PM in cover mode throws an error
  • Action cannot be deleted when the URL is invalid
  • Negative sunset/sunrise values are not displayed correctly


  • Local web collects logs when open (not only at Diagnostics page)
  • Added connected status for the cloud icon in the status bar
  • Script examples and snippets caching mechanism
  • Modbus support for ProXEM
  • Full cron support for schedules
  • Add MAC addresses for Ethernet, BLE and WiFi
  • Advanced link for KVS and diagnostics
  • Button to clear log cache from the diagnostics page


  • Debug log reconnecting strategy
  • KVS manager improvements
  • Firmware page UI
  • Limit calls to schedule calls
  • Countdown animation on auto on and auto off
  • Script editor improvements
  • Diagnostic and script console rework
  • For single-component devices, skip component selection for actions

[1.0.6] 2023-10-09


  • [Pro x EM] Introduce adaptive logic for emitting power meter updates
  • [Pro x EM] Remove no-load condition


  • Pro3EM, ProEM: User button (marked as reset) can be used to toggle the add-on relay or the built in relay.


  • ProEM Fix conditional webhooks.

[1.0.5] 2023-09-26

This version was only released for the ProEM device.


  • ProEM Energy values recorded are significantly lower

[1.0.3] 2023-09-12


  • Disable safe mode

[1.0.2] 2023-09-11


  • MQTT Fix connection when using TLS
  • MQTT Fix crashes caused by storing a freed queue entry
  • PlusPlugUK Fix crash caused by memory leak
  • Debug logs Fix password protection of /debug/log: accept regular HTTP auth as well as auth via query string
  • BLE Fix crash caused by incorrect connection close
  • Cover HTTP Endpoint /roller/id: fix parsing of offset and duration
  • Cover Fix behavior of one-button mode after reboot / power-cycle
  • Cover Fix support of interlocking switches
  • Optimize network buffer usage
  • HTTP auth: Fix URI when computing digest response (include query string, if present)
  • PlusHT, PlusSmoke Drop BLE observer option for battery operated devices


  • HTTP HTTP.Request: adjust limitations on request headers
  • Pro3EM Increase report interval

Local web


  • Idle power threshold setting for Cover now accept float values
  • Bluetooth RPC and cloud gateway can be enabled only if the main Bluetooth is enabled
  • Idle confirm period setting for Cover now have proper validation
  • Movement time limit setting for Cover now have proper validation
  • Added missing Pause action for Cover safety switch
  • Added missing Led indication setting for PlusWallDimmer
  • Show correct name for component when creating local action
  • Remove Bluetooth observer option for battery operated devices
  • Fix description of Bluetooth settings for battery-operated devices
  • Sometimes the snackbar shows undefined
  • Cannot set "LED indication mode" for PlusPlugS
  • Clear script updating status at the start
  • Fix placeholder when no scripts are available


  • Firmware update page improvements
  • Improved dialog for creating schedules
  • Auto OFF and ON timers now support float values


  • Show network frequency for EM, EM1 and Switch components (only PM devices)
  • Action on power ON for PlusWallDimmer
  • Ability to upload firmware from .zip file
  • Show banner when the device boots in safe mode

[1.0.1] 2023-08-24


[1.0.0] 2023-08-03


  • EM Modbus registers for total current, total active power and total apparent power
  • Input invert and range_map configuration properties for analog input type
  • Light min_brightness_on_toggle configuration property
  • Light HTTP Endpoint /light/{id}
  • Authentication in HTTP client, supporting basic and digest schemes. This enables the HTTP service and webhooks to access password-protected URLs.
  • Support for Pro3EM Addon
  • Introduced a 15kB limit on script size
  • Date support in scripting
  • Inbound HTTP RPC channel: New query string syntax which allows setting nested JSON properties by path, e.g. /rpc/Sys.SetConfig? Name
  • Cover last_direction attribute in status
  • btoh function added in scripting
  • Pro3EM Add option to reverse CT direction of measurement for active power and energy
  • Add network frequency in status of EM, Switch, Cover components. shown if applicable


  • Shelly.CheckForUpdate now returns an error instead of an empty result when device was unable to query the server.
  • Restrict access to log streams over websocket when authentication is enabled
  • [Script.PutCode] cannot overwrite a running script. An error is returned if the script is running.
  • Light deprecate default.brightness property in Light configuration
  • Cover bump max settable value of motor.idle_confirm_period configuration to 2s
  • WiFi: drop support for TKIP in AP mode. TKIP is a weak legacy cypher.
  • BLE Scanner de-duplicates identical scan results within a 3-second window.



Local web


  • Display device time in local web footer
  • New settings for switches - "External consumption type"
  • Cover: Add position hint information when creating schedule for position
  • Support for Pro3EM Addon
  • Wi-Fi roaming setting in Wi-Fi settings page
  • New page Global Schedules - show every created schedule per component
  • New page Global Actions - show every created action per component
  • Scripting: Shortcuts for save and run
  • Scripting: States such as Updating, Saved, Stopped, Running no longer use pop-up messages but unified UI state


  • Pro2PM: Schedule Type error after ota update
  • Cover: When creating action to execute "when open" it is showed as "opening"
  • Adding scripts from library glitches in Firefox
  • Pro3EM: Download csv timestamps were not dynamic
  • Cover: Schedule with "undefined" position could be created
  • Scripts were not updated when deleting
  • Schedules: Action was showing "undefined" if the method is saved with upper case letter
  • Schedules: PlusI4, Pro3EM empty component


  • Script editor improvements
  • New UI and UX of the schedules
  • Device reboot and device reset are now quick buttons in Settings list
  • Scripting: Improved visuals

[0.14.4] 2023-05-10


  • PlusPlugUK Update default max power and max current limits

[0.14.3] 2023-04-20



[0.14.2] 2023-03-28


Local Embedded Web

  • Improvement: PlusWallDimmer - Minor improvement on summary cards UI
  • Bug fix: PlusWallDimmer, improve auto on/off timers animation

[0.14.1] 2023-03-08



  • Relax notifications rate limit for the Input component (80 notifications for a period of 60 seconds)
  • PlusPlugUK Update max power and max current limits

Local Embedded Web

  • Use zopfli to compress the Web UI bundle
  • Minor bug fix of behavior for attached/detached inputs

[0.14.0] 2023-02-28



  • HTTP.Request cannot perform POST HTTPS request to specific sites


  • Pro4PM Show channel name on display when set, if it contains latin characters only.

Local Embedded Web

  • New feature: Add support for MQTT control
  • New feature: Add support for RPC over MQTT
  • New feature: Add support for bluetooth gateway
  • New feature: Add phase to phase calibration for Pro3EM
  • Improvement: Improve the diagram view for Pro3EM

[0.13.2] 2023-02-21


  • PlusHT Implement a full refresh every 24h (at night time) to clear any artefacts on ePaper display
  • PlusHT Improve display update temperature threshold (change to 0.2C)

[0.13.1] 2023-02-09

Local Embedded Web

  • Bug fix: Pro3EM Totals of active power, apparent power, current are null

[0.13.0] 2023-02-09


  • Switch, Cover Undervoltage protection
  • Switch Automatic recovery from overvoltage/undervoltage errors
  • Input Triple push notification and webhook
  • EMData Perpetual total energy counters
  • EM total_current, total_act_power, total_aprt_power attributes in status


  • Switch Improve power measurement for Plus1PM, PlugUS, PlusPlugS, PlusPlugIT, PlusPlugUK (fixes erroneous overvoltage errors; fixes parasitic energy reports when no load is connected)
  • Switch Optimize power measurement notifications
  • Switch, Cover Reduce aggressiveness of overpower/overcurrent protection
  • Switch, Cover Parasitic status change notifications on overvoltage, overpower and overcurrent errors
  • Switch, Light, WiFi Inaccurate *.SetConfig error messages
  • Webhook active_between is interpreted incorrectly when period spawns across the next day
  • Script Crashes when specific scripts are enabled to start on boot
  • EMData CSV data download HTTP params processing
  • EMData Missing MODBUS data for energy on phases B and C
  • PlusPlugS, PlusPlugUK Support dynamic LED transition ranges based on power limit settings
  • PlusPlugS, PlusPlugUK, PlusPlugIT Update max power limit to match device prints
  • PlusPlugS, PlusPlugUK Improve reaction time of LEDs in power mode
  • PlusPlugS, PlusPlugUK Wrong brightness of network status indication
  • PlusPlugS, PlusPlugUK Restore night mode in case of power loss
  • PlusPlugS Ambiguous voltage shown when output is off
  • PlugUS, PlusPlugIT Wrong LED indication after factory reset
  • Plus2PM, Pro2PM Guarantee outputs don't turn on after factory reset from cover to switch profile
  • Pro4PM Display shows wrong time when not synced with NTP
  • PlusSmoke Battery charge is not displayed
  • PlusSmoke Missing id in status change notifications
  • PlusSmoke Does not factory reset with 5 button clicks from config mode

Local Embedded Web

  • New device support: Added support for Plus Plug S
  • New device support: Added support for Plus Plug IT
  • New device support: Added support for Plus Plug UK
  • New device support: Added support for Pro 3EM
  • New feature: Added build version for local web UI
  • New feature: Detect firmware update and show message asking for a refresh of the page
  • New feature: Add Undervoltage protection setting for devices with power metering
  • New feature: Add settings for auto recovery for Over/under voltage
  • New feature: Add RPC over UDP
  • New feature: Add Actions: Webhook-Event for triplepush
  • New feature: Add tripplepush input visualisation
  • New feature: Add Pro3EM error handling visualisation
  • New feature: Add support for Pro3EM actions
  • Improvement: Create placeholder with prompt when no scripts
  • Improvement: Saving script causes errors in some weird situations
  • Improvement: IP and network mask are the only required settings for static IP
  • Improvement: Add cover profile default route to home -> /cover/0/overview
  • Improvement: Set Action on power on default value to off when is required
  • Bug fix: Ensure Units settings is only visible on devices which have units
  • Bug fix: Plus Addon - Non-blocking TypeError when adding peripheral
  • Bug fix: RangeError: Invalid time value error when a device had issues with syncing time
  • Bug fix: Can't configure Outbound Web Socket with TLS no verification and a wss:// link on version 0.12.0
  • Bug fix: Fix the disappearing factory reset by input checkbox
  • Bug fix: Fix showing incorrect component when changing index in URL
  • Bug fix: Submenu's active bar is not correctly displayed
  • Bug fix: Home is side navigation is not highlighted
  • Bug fix: Empty actions placeholder contains wrong icon
  • Bug fix: Fix incorrect Pro3EM sum of totals
  • Bug fix: Fix timer freezing
  • Minor: Home page URL handling for Plus/Pro2PM (Cover/Switch)
  • Minor: Actions - Slider text improvement

[0.12.0] 2022-12-06



  • Cover: Cover.SetConfig error messages when arguments are out of range
  • Cover: calibration fails when obstruction_detection.holdoff exceeds open/close duration
  • ECO Mode fails to apply after WiFi reconnect
  • Webhook: fix invocation of http://localhost / urls
  • Scripts: fix memory leak in Shelly.emitEvent
  • Light component: fix validation of night_mode.active_between parameter


[0.11.4] 2022-10-24


  • Sys: Add event to announce scheduled soft restart
  • Webhook: Add expanded context for evaluation of conditions and token replacement and configurable repeatability
  • Temperature and Humidity: offset
  • Cover: configurable idle hold-off period


  • BLE: Updated configuration to include separate enable flag for the RPC service
  • Sys: restart_required property is no longer set to true when a restart is scheduled automatically
  • RPC handlers are disabled when a soft reboot is scheduled. Error code will be -109
  • Webhook: Expand the context for evaluation of conditions and token replacement with device status, configuration and info
  • Cover: last position is stored in non-volatile memory when movement ends


  • Duplicate notification for some types of events
  • Cover: losing position when multiple GoToPosition commands are enqueued
  • Increased CPU frequency limit in ECO Mode
  • PlusHT: fixes in display behavior
  • Cover: improve stability with ECO Mode

[0.11.3] 2022-10-14


  • Device instability caused by ZX synchronizer during flash operations
  • Memory leak in scripts

[0.11.2] 2022-10-04


  • Pro1PM, Pro2PM, Pro4PM, Plus2PM: Synchronize output operations with voltage zero-cross


  • Off-by-1 error in some timezones

[0.11.1] 2022-09-09


  • Mis-provisioned Plus1, Plus1PM devices

[0.11.0] 2022-08-30

Embedded/local web improvements:

  • When editing a script, there is a “Snippets” section, which allows you to use snippets to write code faster
  • On the Scripts (listing) page, there is a new Library button, that allows you to install scripts, directly from our GitHub page
  • In the scripts library, you can change the library url for the specific device and load your own library

API Documentation improvements:

  • Major restructuring of the documentation, so that most of the APIs are now easy to find in the new combined “Components and Services” section
  • Request, responses are now reformatted to look better/are easier to use/understand
  • Formatting of parameters, error codes and others are now rendered in tables to improve readability
  • Each Component/Service page is now following similar page structure
  • New components and their respective documentation had been added (see next)



  • MQTT: Change MQTT QOS level to 1
  • MQTT: Retain LWT messages
  • BLE: Require restart to apply BLE config changes
  • Scripts: Error handling behavior changes to a more strict mode. Previously, errors during script execution only terminated the current context -- specific callback invokcation, for example. Now, errors encountered during script execution terminate the script and are reflected in its status.
  • For battery-operated devices: deprecate wakeup_period property in System configuration (moved to System status)


  • Scripts: Script causing device crashes are detected and disabled automatically
  • Scripts: Crash on MQTT unsubscribe when MQTT is disabled
  • Power values oscillation between 0W and 1W on Plus1PM
  • Crash when calling Shelly.Update without parameters
  • Wrong aenergy values with low-power loads on Pro devices
  • Validation of cid and event parameters of Webhook.Create, Webhook.Update
  • Crash due to race-conditions between TCP errors and queued callbacks
  • Poor device responsiveness during HTTPS webhooks execution
  • Incorrect ACL when authenticaion is disabled
  • Erroneous overpower events on Plus1PM and PlugUS devices
  • MQTT: Ignored topic_prefix

[0.10.3] 2022-06-17


  • Erroneous overvoltage events on Plus1PM devices

[0.10.2] 2022-05-31


  • Wrong power consumption values displayed on Pro4PM boot
  • Incorrect behavior of reset button (all devices)
  • Fix mis-provisioned Plus1PM devices

[0.10.1] 2022-03-30


  • Schedules around DST time shifts

[0.10.0] 2022-03-08


  • New HTTP.Request RPC method with support for GET, POST, PUT, HEAD and DELETE.
  • Cover component
  • Only applicable for multi-profile devices: RPC methods Shelly.ListProfiles, Shelly.SetProfile; profile key in the responses of Sys.GetConfig, Shelly.GetDeviceInfo and /shelly
  • Support for /ota HTTP endpoint, for backward compatibility with Gen1 devices.
  • Embedded web now has UI for changing the display brightness on Pro4PM
  • Device name (if set) is now shown everywhere in the UI of embedded web to ensure users, using multiple browser tabs, would know on which device they are making their changes
  • Experimental support for Economy mode in the embedded web, decreasing power consumption of devices when latency is not critical. Since, this is still experimental, there is no support for changing it in the application yet. Enabling the option may have adverse effects and we do not recommend it for general usage. At this stage, it is intended for testing purposes and power consumption measurements.


  • Switch: setting power_limit to null will apply the default overpower threshold instead of disabling overpower protection.
  • MQTT: do not show pass in response of MQTT.GetConfig
  • Change response format of Shelly.ListProfiles
  • Improved Plus I4 UI in embedded web


  • Scripts: Fixed Status change notifications being duplicated as Event notifications.
  • Webhooks: fixed decoding of URLs containing the " character.
  • Power factor measurement on Pro4PM.
  • Initial/on start up power metering improvements
  • WiFi|Eth.SetConfig - fixed ipv4mode invalid argument error message
  • Ethernet improvements that should fix some issues with devices hanging/crashing
  • Embedded web - Wrong channel name was displayed on Plus I4
  • Disable SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing) on all devices

[0.9.3] 2022-01-17


  • Broken aenergy update in Switch component status

[0.9.2] 2022-01-14


  • Experimental support for Economy mode, decreasing power consumption of devices when latency is not critical. We do not include support for this feature in application and local web interface. Enabling the option may have adverse effects and we do not recommend it for general usage. At this stage, it is intended for testing purposes and power consumption measurements.
  • Local web interface: Display the input state of the switch
  • Local web interface: Explanation of power limit
  • Ability to do OTA Update from url


  • Webhook.Update can now modify cid (component instance id) of an existing webhook.


  • Display negative values for apower and aеnergy in Switch component status
  • ssl_ca and name validation in Webhook.Update
  • unixtime will be null in Sys.GetStatus when not synced with NTP server
  • Ethernet IP address notification on connect
  • Local web interface: Pro4PM issue with authentication menu
  • Local web interface: Time in local webpage not correct

[0.9.1] 2021-12-03


  • Local web interface: Webhook, Script, Schedule list
  • Local web interface: invert switch
  • Local web interface: Input/Output-Setting & Invert Switch is missing

[0.9.0] 2021-12-01


  • MQTT support in scripts
  • Limitations of the resources used by a script
  • Option to set brightness of the Pro4PM's screen when it is idle through a new UI component
  • Basic MQTT tutorial in the docs
  • Placeholder notation in the docs
  • Math API for scripts
  • Initial release of Shelly Scripts
  • User-configurable overvoltage (voltage_limit) and overcurrent (current_limit) protection in Switch
  • Local web interface: selection of discovered WiFi APs
  • Configuration revision number added to System Component configuration
  • Set active_between parameter in Webhook.Create/Update with HH and MM, which are hours and minutes respectively, and can be specified with or without leading zeros in 24-hour format
  • parameter in System Component configuration
  • sntp.server parameter in System Component configuration
  • Limit maximum number of simultaneous non-persistent RPC channels


  • Event and status handlers in scripts
  • Plus1 crash when Switch.SetConfig() is invoked
  • MQTT topic prefix configuration shows the correct default value
  • Local web interface: schedules time set, Pro4PM channel handling


  • Overpower protection (power_limit) in Switch can be disabled
  • The response type of Webhook: Update, Delete, DeleteAll; and Schedule: Update and Delete methods is now empty (null), in unison with other APIs.

[0.8.1] - 2021-09-21


  • Firmware version and device temperature in the screen UI of Pro4PM
  • RPC communication over UDP


  • /shelly HTTP endpoint does not require authentication anymore
  • Bug causing Pro4PM's screen to crash when scrolling too fast in one direction

[0.8.0] - 2021-09-13




  • Sporadic temperature jumps in the readings of temperature sensors
  • Voltage reported as 0 when Switch output is off


  • Streamline payloads of event notifications: improve event descriptions, add reference to event origin

[0.7.0] - 2021-09-01


  • First public version released